• minjiba cooking

Oxtail Stew

A sumptuous and reliable stew recipe is a much needed tool in every African person’s arsenal. This recipe, will easily give you a wonderful fragrant…

Piri-Piri Stout Ribs 

Oooh! Is there anything more enjoyable than melt-in-your-mouth, fall off the bone ribs? Ooh. I don’t think there is. I don’t eat pork often, but…

Fusion Jollof Rice

A good Jollof Rice recipe is a must to have in your back pocket and this one is up there with the best of them.…

Minjiba’s Lamu Loaf 

An incredibly rich and delicious date cake. Moist, sticky and bizarrely, not cloyingly sweet, even though it has sugar, dates and honey! This makes a…

Swahili Hummus

  Swahili cuisine features places spices front and centre of its affairs. There’s always something aromatic and fragrant and delicate. This dish tastes like sunshine…

Kilishi Potato Salad

Kilishi is an incredible dried beef delicacy from Northern Nigeria. It is spicy, rich, and has a wonderful umaminess to it. I decided to use…

Dawa Soaked Chicken Wings

On my first ever night in Nairobi, we went to dinner at Talisman, to discuss all our plans for the show. They insisted I get…